So, this weekend was a really great weekend. Barring the fact that I spent entirely too much was fantastic.
My niece, Rachel, turned 8 years old on Thursday. I can't believe that 8 years ago, I was standing outside of a hospital room door, my ear pressed against it, straining to hear whether I would have a niece or a nephew. I remember that my Dad and I were the only ones who thought it would be a girl. Everyone else thought my sister and Kurtis would have a boy. I remember hearing my sister say "It's a girl!" and as I heard that I almost let out a scream of delight and turned and half ran, half skipped down the hallway to tell my family and Kurtis' family that we had a new baby girl in the family! I remember Kurtis coming out of the room, holding her, tears in his eyes and running down his face. It was such a beautiful day. My niece is 2 years away from being 10.

So for her birthday my sister planned a surprise trip for her, Avery, my parents and I to meet up at The American Girl Store and Bistro at the Galleria. Oh. My. Gosh. The American Girl Store is so amazing! I told my parents they should count their lucky stars that this wasn't around when I was Rachel's age. It was so cool..and yet, completely ridiculous! A hair styling salon for dolls?? Really??
So, Rachel picked out a doll (she chose Elizabeth, by the way-I suggested her- 5 Cool Points for Aunt Ra-Ra!!!!), she got a night gown for Elizabeth, and a bag to carry her in. We ate at the Bistro and we got a cool cake to eat. Avery and Rachel even got to put their dolls in tiny chairs that attached to the table so their dolls could "eat" with us :) It was really cute and Rachel had a blast.

Afterwards, we went to Claire's and got her ears pierced!!!! Yet another moment that made me all wishy-washy and I got teary-eyed as she sat in the chair waiting to get her Emerald studs put in her ears. She is such a big girl now! She didn't even cry when she got them done! When the first earring went in, her eyes got really wide and her face got all red, but she didn't shed a single tear. I was so proud! And to celebrate her new earrings, I bought her 3 more pairs for when she can take out her studs! It was so much fun!
I got to hang out with my mom after all of that. We tried to shop at Macy's...but we just couldn't get into it. Maybe it was just because we were at the Galleria...or maybe we were just tired. I don't know. It was fun getting to be with her though.
That night I went to Denton and saw the Denton Musical Theatre production of "Crazy For You!" My wonderful friend, Mandy, was Irene in it. She was absolutely fabulous! She looked gorgeous and I loved hearing her sing. She really rocked and owned her roll. I feel so lucky to have been able to have seen the show! There was just so much talent on the stage! All of the musicians were fantastic, the dancing was great, and the comedy was superb. I was so impressed with everything!
Sunday, as everyone knows, was Mother's Day. Steve let me sleep in and made me blueberry muffins. I asked him what he was going to do when we have real kids, as opposed to just Anna. :) That afternoon we went over to his parent's house and we had lunch with them and gave his mom her present. Steve made a handmade card, that was really impressive and took a lot of time and thought and we got her a few gifts that I think she really appreciated. I was happy to be able to do something for her, and I had a great time with them while we were there. Then we went over and spent a little time with my parents. My mom and I went to Lowes and I got a Hibiscus tree to go in a planter that she had. I am "borrowing" it from her. It's out by my front door right now. We'll see if it gets enough sun light...but the hibiscus is lovely and our front door area looks so pretty now with the tree there. I had a good time with my mom and I think she had a great Mother's Day. I got her wind chimes at this cute little boutique by our apartment, that sound so pretty. I hope they last a long time!
So that's our weekend...I guess I could update by saying I'm still looking for a teaching job. I'm hoping something comes my way. I keep hearing about these "hiring freezes" at different districts, but I haven't seen anything on websites to confirm those rumors. I don't know...I just want a job.
We're slowly starting to look at houses. I don't want to get too serious about it until I know whether or not I'll be teaching, but it's nice to know that we're really close to being able to afford a home.
Sounds like a really good weekend! How cool to see your little niece grow up. I know I'm going to get all misty-eyed when I see my niece start to grow up too! That American Girl place sounds crazy - but cool!
You had a wonderful weekend! I dont even want to think about Jack getting bigger....
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