Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You've Got to be Kidding

Today was my official, "getting back on the bandwagon" day. It fell a little flat.

I went to bed and set my alarm last night to wake me up at 5:00. I slept through the whole night, which is really unusual for me. When my alarm woke me up at 5:00, I wanted to just roll over and go back to sleep, but instead I got up and got around (ok, I might have laid in bed for another 15 minutes...but least I finally got up). Steve and I got dressed and headed out the door.

Our trek was going to be pretty short since we hadn't really been running for a while because of injuries and sickness. We ran from our street to Custer, down through the Canyon Creek area and back. About a half mile in, the endorphins kicked in and I just felt amazing. It was cool out, I missed the wind in my face and I missed the way my heart and breathing felt as I ran. It was just great to finally be back out doing something I've really grown to love. We were literally a block from crossing back over Campbell when all of a sudden my ankle turned and my run was cut short. It took me so off guard that I almost plummeted to the ground, I couldn't breathe because I was almost hyperventilating, and then I got insanely dizzy. The pain was probably the worst thing I've felt come from my ankle in at least a year. After sitting on the ground for a few minutes, trying to gather myself and decide whether or not I wanted Steve to hurry and run home to get the car, I picked myself up and hobbled home.

I can feel the pain go from the top of my foot up to my knee it's that hurt. I'm not sure whether or not I want to get it x-rayed yet. I imagine I'm going to need to lay off of it for probably a few weeks. Naturally, this will not do. Seriously, I don't have a few weeks to lay off of it. I need to continue training. How? I'm not sure. I'm probably going to see if I can convince Steve to let me unfreeze my 24 Hour Fitness account so that I can do some form of cardio and weights to off set the damage I've done. Hopefully, it will clear up in the weeks that come and I'll be able to run the turkey trot on November 26th in Dallas. It's an 8 mile race that I've signed up for...and then 2 weeks after that is the 1/2 marathon I've been preparing for since July.

I'm not sure how I'll feel if all of this becomes not an option.

At least now I've learned that now I have no choice but to tape up my ankles every time I run. I won't let this ruin all my hard work!!

1 comment:

Christina T said...

I'm so sorry Mariah. I can't imagine how frustrated you feel. :-( I hope your ankle gets better soon. Do you run with an ankle brace? Do you think it would help?

And on a total side not, I think you live in my brother's neighborhood! :-)