Monday, August 17, 2009

Let's Get it Started!

I feel empowered this morning! I'm so ready to get in shape and to run farther than I've run before. I'm 25 and my goals for this year are the following:

1. Run 10K on Sept. 19th.
2. Run 1/2 marathon on Dec. 13th.
3. Get to my goal weight of 132.
4. Own my first home.
5. Find a job that leaves me fulfilled.

Saturday morning, bright and early was my "distance run". Steve and I ran 4 miles. I'm proud to say that I kicked Steve's butt and out ran him. :) I'll probably brag about that until the cows come home. After our run though my feet hurt so bad! It was definitely time for new shoes. So Sunday Steve and I went to Sports Authority and we both bought new shoes. We also bought a new Nike iPod adapter for calculating our runs.

This morning we got up and ran 3 miles. It felt so good to get up early and hit the pavement. My new shoes felt great and my lungs felt amazing! I told Steve towards the end of our run that I felt like I could keep going another mile. I take that as a good sign! The Tour des Fleurs is in 4 1/2 weeks, so I need to start going longer distances. I've already decided there will be no more 2 mile runs, only 3 and up.

I also got an iPhone this weekend! Now I can check my e-mail at work, which is SO nice.

I guess that's it! 33 days until my first 10K!!

1 comment:

Christina T said...

Way to go Mariah! You are rocking this running thing. I'm so proud of you! I just know you are going to meet your goals this year.